347-560-8056   lifestorycam@gmail.com 



Howdy neighbor,


Looking forward to recording your life story.What follows is a questionnaire that IS NOT meant to be followed in any formal way. The list is provided to jog your memory about aspects of  your life that  you might wish to address.


Your video biography might open this way:


Hi, I’m Sue Smith I was born on April 1, 1933 in Hartford to Robert and Ann Smith. I had two brothers, Steve and Joe, and one sister, Carolyn.  I was the oldest.  The six of us lived in a two bedroom apartment till we moved into a house during World War II.


Perhaps you should start with your earliest memories of parents, grandparents, brothers/sisters.  Teen  years (schooling) chores, jobs.  Life long friendships, influential teachers. Good fortune, misfortune…



How did you relate to home and school life like during  your childhood (pre-teen) years? Recreation? Friends? Summertime activities.

Was school tough or easy? Activities? Any lifelong friendships? Influential teachers?

What were your choices after high school (or college? military)?
Describe the developmental years - college, military, apprentice leading to independence.

Are memories of your social life still fresh in mind? How did you meet your husband/wife and what drew you to him/her?

Were there key decisions that steered you into your adult course; parental guidance, influential friends. If, when and how did that course change?

If you could do it again, would you take a different occupational path, or are you satisfied with the route you followed?

When married? Children? Decisions, decisions, decisions. Winners and losers..

Career path. Were you happy with your career?

Loss of loved ones.

Political and social views. Cultural, recreational, religious interests?

What great historical events you have experienced in your lifetime?

Name one, two or three of your happiest memories.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

How do you hope to be remembered? Are there any life lessons you’d like to pass on to future generations?
